memory heap / about
Table of Contents
Hello, my name is Artyom V. Poptsov (also known as "avp"), and I'm the author of this website.
- I'm a co-founder of CADR Hackerspace in Nizhniy Novgorod city.
- I teach programming in a local college (for more than five years already.)
- I'm using mostly free software and I wrote some as well.
- I know several programming languages but my favorite is Lisp (and especially Scheme.)
- I'm a GNU Emacs user and this site is made with Emacs org-mode.
- I wrote some poetry, here you can read the least poor examples of it.
- I'm an atheist.
- I'm a vegetarian since 2007 and a vegan since 2010.
GPG key fingerprint: D0C2 EAC1 3310 822D 98DE B57C E9C5 A2D9 0898 A02F
- e-mail:
(string-join (reverse '("" "@" "artyom" "." "poptsov")))
- Matrix:
- GitHub:
- GitLab:
- twitter (not active)
Other social networks
I've never owned any account on those social networks:
- TikTok
All accounts there that claim to be mine are fake.