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The Guile-SSH Reference Manual

This manual documents Guile-SSH version 0.15.1.

Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Artyom V. Poptsov

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.”

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1. Introduction

Guile-SSH is a library that provides access to the SSH protocol for programs written in GNU Guile. It is a wrapper to the underlying libssh library. This manual is partly based on libssh documentation.

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1.1 The goals of this (humble) project

Most projects are humble, it’s the combination that’s interesting :-)

Now let me explain what are the goals of the whole project. Aside from the fact that I am having lots of fun with the project itself (and the project is helping me to grow as a free software developer, many thanks to all advices and comments from the community!), there are practical goals that the project struggling to achieve.

For me, the main goal is to provide convenient means to write truly distributed applications in my favourite programming language.

Computers are getting cheaper and more and more ubiquitous, and so different kind of networks. In my opinion the question is – how we are going to utilize those new computational resources? Using multi-core systems effectively may be tricky; fortunately some languages (such as Scheme/GNU Guile) already provide convenient API to utilize those systems. But what about systems that distributed over a network?

I am dreaming of the times when using computer resources distributed over a network in GNU Guile will be as easy as using local ones. You should not be asking question “how to do it?” – what you should be asking yourself is “how can I use it?”

But Guile-SSH itself is just a library; a tool that can be used to solve some problems (and, perhaps, to cause new ones ;-)). So, as was noted in the quotation above, it’s the combination of projects that may lead to the most interesting results. With that said, I would love to see Guile-SSH used in another projects, and to hear positive (and negative) feedback from you.

Happy hacking!

- avp

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2. Installation

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2.1 GNU Guix

The latest stable Guile-SSH is available from GNU Guix repository:

$ guix install guile-ssh

If you want to get the environment for Guile-SSH development there’s ‘guix.scm’ file in the root of the repository that can be used with guix shell:

$ guix shell -D -f ./guix.scm

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2.2 Ubuntu GNU/Linux

$ sudo apt install guile-ssh

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2.3 Other Platforms

Guile-SSH is also available from the default repositories at least on the following platforms:

Please refer to the official document for each platform for the instructions on how to install the package.

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2.4 Manual Installation

Guile-SSH sources are available from GitHub at https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh/. This section describes requirements of Guile-SSH and the manual installation process.

Guile-SSH depends on the following packages:

Get the sources of Guile-SSH from GitHub:

$ git clone git@github.com:artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh.git

Configure the sources:

$ cd guile-ssh/
$ autoreconf -if
$ ./configure

Build and install the library:

$ make
$ make install

For a basic explanation of the installation of the package, see the ‘INSTALL’ file.

Please note that you will need Automake version 1.12 or later to run self-tests with make check (but the library itself can be built with older Automake version such as 1.11).

important You probably want to call configure with the ‘--with-guilesitedir’ option so that this package is installed in Guile’s default path. But, if you don’t know where your Guile site directory is, run configure without the option, and it will give you a suggestion.

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3. API Reference

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3.1 Sessions

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3.1.1 Session Management

A session is an object that holds all the information about connection to a specified server or a client. This information includes server’s port and address, name of the user, compression level, private keys and so on.

A session may contain zero or more channels (see section Channels). Channels are “pipes” that link the client and the server together and that can be used for transferring of data in both directions.

So the overall picture can be thought like this:

[client]                      [server]

    \____________________________/  SSH session

     ============================   SSH channels
    /                            \

libssh docs say that there is no limit to number of channels for a single session in theory.

This chapter describes session management. The code is in the (ssh session) module.

Scheme Procedure: session? x

Returns #t if x is a Guile-SSH session, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: %make-session

Create a new Guile-SSH session.

Scheme Procedure: make-session [keywords]

Create a new Guile-SSH session and set its options. Options can be passed as keywords.

Return a new Guile-SSH session.

This procedure is more convenient than primitive %make-session, but on other hand it should be a bit slower because of additional checks.


(let ((s (make-session #:user          "alice"
                       #:host          "example.com"
                       #:port          12345
                       #:identity      "/home/alice/.ssh/id_rsa"
                       #:log-verbosity 'nolog)))

List of allowed keywords:


Preferred public key algorithms to be used for authentication (comma-separated list as a string). Example: “ssh-rsa,rsa-sha2-256,ssh-dss,ecdh-sha2-nistp256”

This option available only in libssh 0.8.3 or later versions.

Scheme Procedure: blocking-flush! session timeout

Blocking flush of the outgoing buffer of session. Return on of the following symbols:




timeout occurred.


An error occurred.

Scheme Procedure: session-set! session option value

Set a option to value for the given Guile-SSH session. Throw a guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Here is the description of available options. The description is based on libssh documentation:


The hostname or IP address to connect to.

Expected type of value: string.


The port to connect to.

Expected type of value: number.


The file descriptor to use.

If you wish to open the socket yourself for a reason or another, set the file descriptor. Don’t forget to set the hostname as the hostname is used as a key in the known_host mechanism.

Expected type of value: number.


The address to bind the client to.

Expected type of value: string.


The username for authentication.

Expected type of value: string.


Set the SSH directory.

The ssh directory is used for files like known_hosts and identity (private and public key). It may include %s which will be replaced by the user home directory.

Expected type of value: string.


Set the identity file name. By default identity, ‘id_dsa’ and ‘id_rsa’ are checked.

The identity file used authenticate with public key. It may include %s which will be replaced by the user home directory.


Set the known hosts file name. Default value is ‘~/.ssh/known_hosts’.

The known hosts file is used to certify remote hosts are genuine. The string may include %s which will be replaced by the user home directory.

Expected type of value: string.


Set a timeout for the connection in seconds.

Expected type of value: number.


Set a timeout for the connection in micro seconds.

Expected type of value: number.


Allow or deny the connection to SSH1 servers.

Expected type of value: boolean.


Allow or deny the connection to SSH2 servers

Expected type of value: boolean.


Set the session logging verbosity. Possible values:


No logging at all


Only rare and noteworthy events


High level protocol information


Lower level protocol infomations, packet level


Every function path

Expected type of value: symbol.


Set the symmetric cipher client to server. The value must be a string of comma-separated values.


Set the symmetric cipher server to client. The value must be a string of comma-separated values.


Set the compression to use for client to server. The value must be “yes”, “no” or a specific algorithm name if needed ("zlib", "zlib@openssh.com", "none").

Expected type of value: string.


Set the compression to use for server to client. The value must be “yes”, “no” or a specific algorithm name if needed ("zlib", "zlib@openssh.com", "none").

Expected type of value: string.


Set the command to be executed in order to connect to server.

Expected type of value: string.


Set the parameter StrictHostKeyChecking to avoid asking about a fingerprint.


Set the compression to use for both directions communication. The value must be “yes”, “no” or a specific algorithm name if needed ("zlib", "zlib@openssh.com", "none").

Expected type of value: string.


Set the compression level to use for zlib functions. The value is expected to be a number from 1 to 9, 9 being the most efficient but slower.


Set callbacks that will be called on related events (see section Callbacks.)

Expected type of value: an association list (alist).


The option specifies whether an SSH config should be parsed or not, and optionally the path to a config file.

Setting the value to #t means that the default ‘~/.ssh/config’ should be parsed; in turn, setting the option to #f (the default value) means that the config should not be parsed at all. If the value is a string, then the string is expected to be a path to config file.

The procedure reads the config file after all other specified options are set. When the config file is read, the options for session are set, overwriting those that were passed to the procedure.

You must specify at least a host name when using this option, otherwise the procedure will fail.

Optionally you could use session-parse-config! procedure explicitly to read the config (see below.)

Expected types of value: Either a string or a boolean value.

Scheme Procedure: session-parse-config! session [file-name]

Parse an SSH config file-name and set session options. If file-name is not set, the default SSH ‘~/.ssh/config’ is used. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: session-get session option

Get value of the option for session. The option is expected to be a symbol.

Please not that currently not all the possible session options can be gotten with this procedure. Here is the list of allowed options:

Scheme Procedure: connect! session

Connect session to a SSH server. Return one of the following symbols: ok, again, error.

Scheme Procedure: disconnect! session

Disconnect the session. This procedure can be used by a client as well as by a server.

Scheme Procedure: authenticate-server session

Authenticate the server.

Throw wrong-type-arg exception if a disconnected session is passed as an argument.

Return one of the following symbols:


The server is known and has not changed.


The server key has changed. Either you are under attack or the administrator changed the key. You have to warn the user about a possible attack.


The server gave use a key of a type while we had an other type recorded. It is a possible attack.


The server is unknown. User should confirm the MD5 is correct.


The known host file does not exist. The host is thus unknown. File will be created if host key is accepted.


An error occurred.

Scheme Procedure: get-server-public-key session

Get server public key from a session. Return the server’s public key. Throw guile-ssh-error on error.

Also throw wrong-type-arg exception if a disconnected session is passed as an argument.

See also get-public-key-hash in see section Keys.

Scheme Procedure: write-known-host! session

Write the current server as known in the known hosts file. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Throw wrong-type-arg exception if a disconnected session is passed as an argument. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: connected? session

Check if we are connected. Return #f if we are connected to a server, #f if we aren’t.

Scheme Procedure: get-error session

Retrieve the error text message from the last error related to session.

Scheme Procedure: get-protocol-version session

Get version of SSH protocol. Return 1 for SSH1, 2 for SSH2 or #f on error.

Throw wrong-type-arg exception if a disconnected session is passed as an argument.

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3.1.2 Callbacks

Guile-SSH uses an association list (alist) to represent session callbacks; the key is a callback name, and the value is expecting to be a procedure.

Session callbacks is the way to handle some events, notably the incoming reverse port forwarding requests on the server side. Each callback is called with the optional user-data argument which can be specified in the callbacks alist as well.

Scheme Procedure: global-request-callback session message user-data

A server-side callback that is called on a global request (e.g. when an SSH client asks for reverse port forwarding.)

The callback should be set on an accepted Guile-SSH session (see section Servers) in case when global requests must be handled; note that if the callback is not set then the server will always deny global requests, which may be confusing.


(define (handle-global-request session message user-data)
  (let ((port-number 12345))
    (message-reply-success message port-number)))

;; Let's suppose that the session was created earlier.

;; Now we can set our callback:
(session-set! session
              `((user-data               . #f)
                (global-request-callback . ,handle-global-request)))

;; Note that 'user-data' is optional, so the following example
;; is valid:
(session-set! session
              `((global-request-callback . ,handle-global-request)))
Scheme Procedure: connect-status-callback session status user-data

This callback is called during connection establishment process (that is, after connect! is called) with a server. A connection status is a number that shows what percentage of connection esablishment is done.


(define (print-status session status user-data)
  (let ((percentage (truncate (* status 100))))
    (format #t "~a: connecting ... ~a%~%" session percentage)))

;; Let's suppose that the session was created earlier.

(session-set! session
              `((user-data               . #f)
                (connect-status-callback . ,print-status)))

;; Or we can set two callbacks simultaneously:

(define (handle-global-request session message user-data)
  (let ((port-number 12345))
    (message-reply-success message port-number)))

(session-set! session
              `((user-data               . #f)
                (connect-status-callback . ,print-status)
                (global-request-callback . ,handle-global-request)))

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3.2 Auth

The (ssh auth) module provides authentication procedures for a Guile-SSH client.

Please note that you must specify a username either on creation of a session or by session-set! call (see section Sessions) before calling of procedures from this section.

Also note that the session must be connected before calling to these procedures, otherwise the wrong-type-arg exception will be thrown.

Scheme Procedure: userauth-public-key! session private-key

Try to authenticate with a public/private key.

Return one of the following symbols:


Authentication success.


You’ve been partially authenticated, you still have to use another method.


Authentication failed: use another method.


A serious error happened.

Scheme Procedure: userauth-public-key/auto! session

Try to automatically authenticate with none method first and then with public keys. The procedure will try to get a cached private key from a SSH agent and if it fails it will try to read a key from a file. If the key is encrypted the user will be asked for a passphrase.

Return one of the following symbols:


Authentication success.


You’ve been partially authenticated, you still have to use another method.


Authentication failed: use another method.


A serious error happened.

Scheme Procedure: userauth-public-key/try session public-key

Try to authenticate with the given public-key.

To avoid unnecessary processing and user interaction, the following method is provided for querying whether authentication using the public-key would be possible.

Return one of the following symbols:


The public key is accepted, you want now to use userauth-public-key!.


You’ve been partially authenticated, you still have to use another method.


Authentication failed: use another method.


A serious error happened.

Scheme Procedure: userauth-agent! session

Try to do public key authentication with ssh agent.

Return one of the following symbols:


Authentication success.


You’ve been partially authenticated, you still have to use another method.


Authentication failed: use another method.


A serious error happened.

Scheme Procedure: userauth-password! session password

Try to authenticate by password.

Return one of the following symbols:


Authentication success.


You’ve been partially authenticated, you still have to use another method.


Authentication failed: use another method.


A serious error happened.


In nonblocking mode, you’ve got to call this again later.

Scheme Procedure: userauth-gssapi! session

Try to authenticate through the gssapi-with-mic method.

Return one of the following symbols:


Authentication success.


You’ve been partially authenticated, you still have to use another method.


In nonblocking mode, you’ve got to call this again later.


Authentication failed: use another method.


A serious error happened.

Scheme Procedure: userauth-none! session

Try to authenticate through the none method.

Return one of the following symbols:


Authentication success.


You’ve been partially authenticated, you still have to use another method.


In nonblocking mode, you’ve got to call this again later.


Authentication failed: use another method.


A serious error happened.

Scheme Procedure: userauth-get-list session

Get available authentication methods for a session. Return list of available methods.

This call will block, even in nonblocking mode, if run for the first time before a (complete) call to userauth-none!.

Possible methods are: password, public-key, host-based, interactive.

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3.3 Agent

The (ssh agent) module provides procedures for interacting with SSH authentication agent instances.

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3.3.1 Starting/stopping SSH agents

Scheme Procedure: ssh-agent-start

Start an OpenSSH agent. Return a list with SSH agent information of the following form:

'((SSH_AUTH_SOCK . <agent-socket-file-path>)
  (SSH_AGENT_PID . <agent-pid>))
Scheme Procedure: ssh-agent-stop

Kill the current agent (given by the SSH_AGENT_PID environment variable).

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3.3.2 Getting information about SSH agents

Scheme Procedure: ssh-agent-info [#:user=(getenv "USER")] [#:path=(or (getenv "TMPDIR") "/tmp")]

The procedure tries to find information about all running SSH authentication agent instances by searching the specified path for a given user.

The agent subdirectory pattern is used as specified in the ssh-agent man page: ssh-XXXXXXXXXX/agent.<ppid>

Returns an associative list of the following form:

'(((SSH_AUTH_SOCK . <agent-socket-file-path-1>)
   (SSH_AGENT_PID . <agent-pid-1>))
  ((SSH_AUTH_SOCK . <agent-socket-file-path-2>)
   (SSH_AGENT_PID . <agent-pid-2>))

One might use the procedure to configure the environment in a REPL to use SSH userauth-agent! procedure later:

(define s (make-session #:host "localhost"))
(connect! s)
(ssh-agent-sock-set! (assoc-ref (car (ssh-agent-info)) 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK))
(userauth-agent! s)
(with-ssh (make-node s) (version))

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3.3.3 Managing SSH agent environment variables

Scheme Procedure: ssh-agent-sock-get

Get the SSH__AGENT__SOCK environment variable value.

Scheme Procedure: ssh-agent-sock-set! sock-file

Set the value of SSH__AGENT__SOCK environment variable to the sock-file.

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3.4 Keys

The (ssh key) module provides procedures for handling of Guile-SSH keys.

Note that Guile-SSH does not support ECDSA keys if libssh 0.6.3 is compiled with GCrypt instead of OpenSSL.

Scheme Procedure: make-keypair type length

Generate a keypair of specified type and length (in bits). This may take some time.

Possible key types are: dss, rsa, rsa1, ecdsa.

Return newly generated private key. Throw guile-ssh-error on error.

Scheme Procedure: key? x

Return #t if x is a Guile-SSH key, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: public-key? x

Return #t if x is a Guile-SSH key and it contains a public key, #f otherwise. What it means is that the procedure will return #t for a private key too (because the private key contains a public key in some sense).

Scheme Procedure: private-key? x

Return #t if x is a Guile-SSH private key, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: public-key->string public-key

Convert public-key to a string.

Scheme Procedure: string->public-key string type

Convert a public key of type represented as Base64 string to a Guile-SSH key. Throw guile-ssh-error on error.

The type must be one of the following symbols: dss, rsa, rsa1, ecdsa

Scheme Procedure: private-key-from-file file

Read private key from a file. If the the key is encrypted the user will be asked for passphrase to decrypt the key.

Return a new Guile-SSH key of #f on error.

Scheme Procedure: private-key-to-file private-key file-name

Export private-key to a PAM file file-name on a disk. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Note that this procedure won’t work if libssh 0.6.3 is compiled with GCrypt cryptographic library.

Scheme Procedure: private-key->public-key private-key

Get a public key from the private-key.

Scheme Procedure: public-key-from-file session file

Read public key from a file. Return a public key or #f on error.

Scheme Procedure: get-key-type key

Get a symbol that represents the type of the Guile-SSH key. Possible types are: dss, rsa, rsa1, unknown.

Scheme Procedure: get-public-key-hash public-key type

Get a public-key hash of type as a bytevector. Return the bytevector on success, #f on error.

See also get-server-public-key in see section Sessions.

The type can be one of the following symbols: md5, sha1.


(let ((pubkey (get-server-public-key session)))
  (get-public-key-hash pubkey 'md5))
⇒ #vu8(15 142 110 203 162 228 250 211 20 212 26 217 118 57 217 66)
Scheme Procedure: bytevector->hex-string bv

Convert the given bytevector bv to a colon separated string.


(let ((hash (get-public-key-hash pubkey 'md5)))
  (bytevector->hex-string hash))
⇒ "0f:8e:6e:cb:a2:e4:fa:d3:14:d4:1a:d9:76:39:d9:42"

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3.5 Channels

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3.5.1 Channel Management

The (ssh channel) module provides facilities to create Guile-SSH channels and manipulating of them.

Channels are implemented as GNU Guile ports. Therefore they can be used with regular I/O procedures such as display, write, read-line and friends (see (guile)Input and Output section ‘Input and Output’ in The GNU Guile Reference Manual). This section describes operations that are specific for the channels.

When a channel is closed by the remote side, the local side detects it; reading from such channel gives an EOF object when all data is read.

Note that when the parent session from which a channel is made is freed the channel is freed as well.

Scheme Procedure: channel? x

Return #t if x is a Guile-SSH channel, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: make-channel session [mode]

Allocate a new Guile-SSH channel for the session (see section Sessions).

flags are determine what kind of a channel should be created. Possible modes are: OPEN_READ, OPEN_WRITE, OPEN_BOTH. They allow to create either an input channel, output channel or input/output channel respectively.

Scheme Procedure: channel-open-session channel

Open a session channel. This procedure actually turn the channel into an open port available for I/O operations. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: channel-open? channel

Return #t if a channel is open, #f otherwise. Note that this procedure also returns #f when the remote side is closed.

Scheme Procedure: channel-request-exec channel command

Run a shell command without an interactive shell. The channel must be open. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

This procedure is a low-level one and you should use remote pipes instead (see section Remote Pipes).

Note that the procedure only can be used to execute a single command on the remote host, so you should close the channel after channel-request-exec. If you want to execute another command then you must open a new channel and use it.


(let ((channel (make-channel session)))
  (channel-open-session channel)
  (channel-request-exec channel "uname")
  (read-line channel))
⇒ "Linux"
Scheme Procedure: channel-request-pty channel

Request a PTY (pseudo terminal). Throw guile-ssh-error on error. The channel must be open. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: channel-request-shell channel

Request a shell. The channel must be open. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: channel-request-env channel variable value

Set an environment variable to value. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. The channel must be open. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: channel-request-send-exit-status channel exit-status

Send an exit-status to the remote process (as described in RFC 4254, section 6.10). Only SSH-v2 is supported. Return value is undefined.

The channel needs to be closed with after this message.

Scheme Procedure: channel-set-pty-size! channel columns rows

Change size of the PTY to columns and rows. The channel must be open. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: channel-set-stream! channel stream

Set default stream for channel. stream must be one of the following symbols: stdout (default), stderr. The channel must be open. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.


(channel-set-stream! channel 'stderr)
Scheme Procedure: channel-get-stream channel

Get current stream name from channel. The channel must be open. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return one of the following symbols: stdout, stderr.


(channel-get-stream channel)
⇒ 'stderr
Scheme Procedure: channel-get-session channel

Get the session to which belongs the channel. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return the session.

Scheme Procedure: channel-send-eof channel

Send an end of file (EOF) on the channel. This action doesn’t close the channel; you may still read from it but not write. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return value is undefined.


(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)
             ;; Guile-SSH modules.
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh popen)
             (ssh session)
             (ssh channel))

;; Make a session
(define s (make-session #:host "example.org"))

;; Connect to the server
(connect! s)

;; Authenticate
(userauth-agent! s)

;; Open a remote pipe to 'wc' command running on
;; the server.
(let ((p (open-remote-pipe s "wc" OPEN_BOTH)))

  ;; Send data to 'wc' command using the remote pipe.
  (display "Hello Scheme World!" p)

  ;; 'wc' reads data until EOF and writes its result
  ;; afterwards.
  (channel-send-eof p)

  ;; Read the 'wc' output.
  (read-line p))
⇒ "      0       3      19"
Scheme Procedure: channel-eof? channel

Return #t if remote has sent EOF, #f otherwise. Throw guile-ssh-error if the channel has been closed and freed.

Scheme Procedure: channel-get-exit-status channel

Get the exit status of the channel (error code from the executed instruction). The channel must be open. Return the exist status, or #f if no exit status has been returned (yet). Throw guile-ssh-error on error.

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3.5.2 Port Forwarding

Low-level API from (ssh channel) module to manage SSH port forwarding. These procedures do not bind the ports and do not automatically forward the content of a socket to the channel. You should either implement binding and data forwarding in your application or use the tunnel API (see section Guile-SSH tunnel API)

Scheme Procedure: channel-open-forward channel [#:source-host=''localhost''] #:local-port #:remote-host [#:remote-port=local-port]

Open a (local) TCP/IP forwarding channel. Connect to a remote-host and remote-port, and use source-host and local-port as origination of connections.

The procedure returns one of the following symbols:




We are in the nonblocking mode and the call to be done again.


An error occurred.

The local port forwarding works as follows:

local-host               remote-host
,...............,        ,.................
:               :        :                :
:  [a browser]  :        : [a web server] :
:       |       :        :        A       :
:       |       :        :        |       :
:   port 8080   :        :     port 80    :
:       |       :        :        |       :
:       V       :        :        |       :
:  [SSH client]===========>[SSH server]   :
:               :        :                :
'...............'        '................'

Where port 8080 is an arbitrary local-port and port 80 is a remote-port.

Also in our case, “SSH client” is an application that uses Guile-SSH and calls channel-open-forward.


(channel-open-forward channel
                      #:local-port  8080
                      #:remote-host "www.example.org"
                      #:remote-port 80)
Scheme Procedure: channel-listen-forward session [#:address=#f] [#:port=0]

Start a TCP/IP reverse (remote) port forwarding. Send the “tcpip-forward” global request using session to ask the server to begin listening for inbound connections on the specified address and port.

If address is not specified (or set to #f) then the server binds all addresses on all protocol families supported by the server. When 0 is passed as a port then server allocates the next unprivileged port.

The procedure returns two values: the first value is the result of the operation, and the second value is the bound port number; if port was set to 0 then the procedure returns the chosen port number.

The result of the operation can be one of the following symbols:




We are in the nonblocking mode and the call to be done again.


An error occurred.

Reverse port forwarding looks as follows:

local-host                remote-host
,................,        ,.................
:                :        :                :
: [a web server] :        :  [a browser]   :
:        A       :        :       |        :
:        |       :        :       |        :
:     port 80    :        :   port 8080    :
:        |       :        :       |        :
:        |       :        :       V        :
:   [SSH client]<===========[SSH server]   :
:                :        :                :
'................'        '................'
Scheme Procedure: channel-accept-forward session [timeout=0]

Accept an incoming TCP/IP forwarding channel and get information about incoming connection. Return two values: the first value is the incoming channel, and the second value is a port number on which the connection was issued.

Scheme Procedure: channel-cancel-forward session address port

Send “cancel-tcpip-forward” global request to session to ask the server to cancel a “tcpip-forward” request on the bound address and port.

The result of the operation can be one of the following symbols:




We are in the nonblocking mode and the call to be done again.


An error occurred.

Here’s an example Guile program that uses channel-cancel-forward to cancel reverse port forwarding on a server:

#!/usr/bin/guile \
-e main

(use-modules (ssh session)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh channel))

(define (main args)
  (let ((session (make-session #:user          "alice"
                               #:host          ""
                               #:port          22
                               #:log-verbosity 'rare)))
    (connect! session)
    (userauth-agent! session)

    ;; Send "tcpip-forward" request to an SSH server
    (channel-listen-forward session #:address "localhost" #:port 12345)

    ;; Accept incoming reverse port forwarding requests with
    ;; 'channel-accept-forward' in some kind of loop...

    ;; Cancel the issued "tcpip-forward" request with
    ;; "cancel-tcpip-forward" request
    (channel-cancel-forward session "localhost" 12345)))

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3.6 Tunnels

The following procedures from (ssh tunnel) module are a high-level API built upon the basic port forwarding facilities for managing port forwards.

Scheme Procedure: make-tunnel session [#:bind-address=''''] #:port #:host [#:host-port=port] [#:reverse?=#f]

Make a new SSH tunnel using session from bind-address and port to a host and host-port.

The procedure is capable of creating both direct and reverse port forwarding tunnels; the type of a tunnel is determined by reverse? argument. If reverse? is set to #f then a reverse port forwarding tunnel will be created.

Setting reverse? to #t changes the direction of the tunnel and a reverse port forwarding tunnel will be created. In this case a server allocates a socket to listen to port on the remote side, and whenever a connection is made to this port, the connection is forwarded over the secure channel, and a connection is made to host and host-port from the local machine. host can be set to #f to tell the server to listen on all addresses and known protocol families. Setting a port to 0 tells the server to bind the first unprivileged port.

The procedure does not binds ports nor transfers data to the port (in case of reverse port forwarding), you should start port forwarding by means of the procedures that operate on a <tunnel> object – e.g. start-forward or call-with-ssh-forward.

Return a new tunnel object.

Scheme Procedure: tunnel? x

Return #t if x is an Guile-SSH tunnel, #f otherwise.

Scheme procedure: tunnel-reverse? x

Check if x is a reverse port forwarding tunnel.

Scheme procedure: tunnel-session tunnel

Get a session associated with a tunnel.

Scheme Procedure: tunnel-bind-address tunnel

Get a source host of a tunnel.

Scheme Procedure: tunnel-port tunnel

Get a local port of a tunnel.

Scheme Procedure: tunnel-host tunnel

Get a remote host of a tunnel.

Scheme Procedure: tunnel-host-port tunnel

Get a remote port of a tunnel.

Scheme Procedure: start-forward tunnel

Start port forwarding on tunnel. The procedure actually binds tunnel ports and forwards data.

Scheme Procedure: call-with-ssh-forward tunnel proc

Open a new tunnel and start port forwarding. proc is called with an open channel as an argument. All I/O on the channel will be forwarded to the remote host and port of a tunnel. Return the result the proc call.

As a practical example, let’s say you want to use Guile-RPC over SSH. Here’s how you can implement a using call-with-ssh-forward:

(let ((pid (primitive-fork)))
  (if (zero? pid)
      ;; Make a new SSH session, connect it and authenticate the user.
      (let* ((host    "example.org")
             (user    "alice")
             (session (make-session #:user user
                                    #:host host
                                    #:port 22
                                    #:log-verbosity 'nolog)))
        (connect! session)
        (userauth-agent! session)
        ;; Make a new SSH tunnel.
        (let ((tunnel (make-tunnel session
                                   #:port 12345
                                   ;; Guile-RPC server listens on
                                   ;; on the remote host.
                                   #:host ""
                                   ;; Guile-RPC server port.
                                   #:host-port 6666)))
          ;; Start the forwarder loop.
          (start-forward tunnel)))
      ;; Parent process.
      (let ((sock (socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0)))
        (const #t)
        (lambda ()
          (sleep 1)
          ;; Connect to the port that is listened to by the spawned process.
          (connect sock AF_INET
            (inet-pton AF_INET "")

          ;; Make an RPC call using the SSH tunnel.
          (display (invoke-split-number 3.14 #x7777 sock))
        (lambda ()
          (close sock)
          (kill pid SIGTERM)
          (waitpid pid))))))

The full example of an RPC client that uses a SSH tunnel is in ‘$prefix/share/guile-ssh/examples/rpc’ directory.

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3.6.1 Example

Here is a simple Guile program that connects to “www.example.org” and starts port forwading from the local port 8080 to the port 80 on the remote host:

#!/usr/bin/guile \
-e main

(use-modules (ssh session)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh key)
             (ssh tunnel))

(define (main args)
  (let ((s (make-session #:user          "alice"
                         #:host          "localhost"
                         #:port          22
                         #:log-verbosity 'nolog))
        (k (private-key-from-file "/home/alice/.ssh/id_rsa")))
    (connect! s)
    (userauth-public-key! s k)
    (let ((t (make-tunnel s
                          #:port      8080
                          #:host      "www.example.org"
                          #:host-port 80)))
      (start-forward t))))

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3.7 Remote Pipes

(ssh popen) provides API for working with remote pipes, akin to (ice-9 popen) procedures (see (guile)Pipes section ‘Pipes’ in The GNU Guile Reference Manual)

mode argument allows to specify what kind of pipe should be created. Allowed values are: OPEN_READ, OPEN_WRITE, OPEN_BOTH.

There is an additional value, OPEN_PTY, that allows to request a pseudo terminal. The terminal is needed to run such commands as top. Thus, to run top on the remote side you need to open a remote pipe with "t" flag set.

Note that when a PTY is used, a server merges stderr stream with stdout.

Values of the aforementioned constants:









Scheme Procedure: open-remote-pipe session command mode

Execute a command on the remote host using a session with a pipe to it. Returns newly created channel port with the specified mode.

Scheme Procedure: open-remote-pipe* session mode prog [args...]

Execute prog on the remote host with the given args using a session with a pipe to it. Returns newly created channel port with the specified mode.

Scheme Procedure: open-remote-input-pipe session command
Scheme Procedure: open-remote-input-pipe* session prog [args...]

Equvalent to open-remote-pipe and open-remote-pipe* respectively with mode OPEN_READ.

Scheme Procedure: open-remote-output-pipe session command
Scheme Procedure: open-remote-output-pipe* session prog [args...]

Equvalent to open-remote-pipe and open-remote-pipe* respectively with mode OPEN_WRITE.

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3.7.1 Examples

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Here’s a self-explanatory little script that executes uname -o command on the local host and prints the result:

#!/usr/bin/guile \
-e main -s

(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)             ; {read,write}-line
             ;; Guile-SSH
             (ssh session)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh popen))               ; remote pipes

(define (main args)
  ;; Make a session with local machine and the current user.
  (let ((session (make-session #:host "localhost")))

    ;; Connect the session and perform the authentication.
    (connect! session)
    (authenticate-server session)
    (userauth-agent! session)

    ;; Execute the command on the remote side and get the input pipe
    ;; to it.
    (let ((channel (open-remote-input-pipe session "uname -o")))
      ;; Read and display the result.
      (write-line (read-line channel)))))

[ < ] [ > ]   [ << ] [ Up ] [ >> ]         [Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ] Executing a command with a pseudo terminal

Surely we aren’t limited to one-line outputs; for example, we can watch top command executing on a remote side locally, by reading data from the channel in a loop:

(define OPEN_PTY_READ (string-append OPEN_PTY OPEN_READ))

(let ((channel (open-remote-pipe* session OPEN_PTY_READ
                                  "top" "-u avp")))
  (let r ((line (read-line channel)))
    (unless (eof-object? line)
      (write-line line)
      (r (read-line channel)))))

Or we can do the same, but this time with streams:

(use-modules (srfi srfi-41)             ; streams
             (ssh session)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh popen))

(define (pipe->stream p)
  (stream-let loop ((c (read-char p)))
    (if (eof-object? c)
          (close-input-port p)
        (stream-cons c (loop (read-char p))))))

(define OPEN_PTY_READ (string-append OPEN_PTY OPEN_READ))

(define (main args)
  (let ((s (make-session #:host "example.org")))
    (connect! s)
    (userauth-agent! s)
    (let ((rs (pipe->stream (open-remote-pipe* s OPEN_PTY_READ
                                               "top" "-u avp"))))
      (stream-for-each display rs))))

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To set the size of a pseudo terminal, one may use channel-set-pty-size! from (ssh channel). For example:

(use-modules (ssh popen)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh channel))

(define OPEN_PTY_READ (string-append OPEN_PTY OPEN_READ))

;; Opening of a Guile-SSH session goes here ...

(let ((p (open-remote-pipe* session OPEN_PTY_READ "top" "-u avp")))
  (channel-set-pty-size! p 80 50)
  ;; Reading output from a port ...

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3.8 Shell

A high-level interface to a remote shell built upon (ssh popen) API. The procedures described in this section uses GNU Coreutils on the remote side and may depend on some other packages; see the notes for each procedure.

Scheme Procedure: rexec session command

Execute a command on the remote side. Return two values: list of output lines returned by a command and its exit code.

Scheme Procedure: which session program-name

Check if a program-name is available on a remote side. Return two values: a path to a command if it is found and a return code.

The procedure uses shell build-in command which on the remote side.


(use-modules (ssh session)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh shell))

(let ((s (make-session #:host "example.org")))
  (connect! s)
  (userauth-agent! s)
  (which s "guile"))
⇒ ("/usr/bin/guile")
⇒ 0
Scheme Procedure: command-available? session command

Check if a command is available on a remote machine represented by a session.

Scheme Procedure: pgrep session pattern [#:full?=#f] [#:use-guile?=#f]

Search for a process with a pattern cmdline on a machine represented by a session. Return two values: a list of PIDs and a return code.

The procedure uses a pgrep from procps package on the remote side when use-guile? is set to #f (this is by default.)

When use-guile? is set to #t, the procedure will execute a Scheme code using GNU Guile on the remote side to kill processes.

Scheme Procedure: pkill session pattern [#:full?=#f] [#:signal=SIGTERM] [#:use-guile?=#f]

Send a signal to a process which name matches to pattern on a remote machine represented by a session. Return two values: a list of PIDs of killed processes and a return code.

The signal must be a numeric value as for Guile kill procedure.

The procedure uses a pkill from procps package on the remote side when use-guile? is set to #f (this is by default.)

When use-guile? is set to #t, the procedure will execute a Scheme code using GNU Guile on the remote side to kill processes.

Scheme Procedure: loadavg session

Get average load of a host using a session. Return a list of five elements as described in proc(5) man page.


(use-modules (ssh session)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh shell))

(let ((s (make-session #:host "example.org")))
  (connect! s)
  (userauth-agent! s)
  (loadavg s))
⇒ ("0.01" "0.05" "0.10" "4/1927" "242011")

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3.9 Logging

The (ssh log) module provides procedures to control the libssh logging facilities.

Scheme Procedure: %default-log-printer priority function message userdata

Default callback for printing log messages to the current error port. The procedure comments out log messages with “;;; “ to make it easier to distinguish libssh traces from Guile-SSH messages in REPL mode.

This callback is set by default.

Scheme Procedure: %default-libssh-log-printer priority function message userdata

The procedure makes log messages in the same format as the libssh default log formatter.

Scheme Procedure: current-logging-callback

Return the current logging callback. Returns a procedure or #f if the callback is not set.

Scheme Procedure: set-logging-callback! callback

Change the current logging callback to callback. The callback must be a procedure that takes four arguments: priority of a log message, a function name, the message and a custom user data.

Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return value is undefined.

Here is an example of a custom callback which indents each log message according to its priority:

(define (pretty-log-printer priority function message userdata)
  (do ((i 1 (1+ i)))
      ((> i priority))
    (display "  " (current-error-port)))
  (format (current-error-port) "[~a] ~a~%"
          (strftime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" (localtime (current-time)))

(set-logging-callback! pretty-log-printer)

You can restore the default callback as the follows:

(set-logging-callback! %default-log-printer)
Scheme Procedure: set-log-userdata! user-data

Set an arbitrary user-data to be passed to a logging callback. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return value is undefined.

By default the user data is set to #f.

Scheme Procedure: get-log-userdata

Get the current user data.

Scheme Procedure: format-log priority procedure-name format-string arg ...

Write a formatted message to the libssh log with the given priority. Return value is undefined.

Syntax for the format-string is the same as for format procedure.

priority is expected to be a symbol. Acceptable priority levels are:


The message will be printed even if the logging is disabled


Rare and noteworthy events


High level protocol information


Lower level protocol infomations, packet level


Function path

Note that the procedure uses the provided logging callback directly, bypassing the libssh logging facilities.

Scheme Procedure: set-log-verbosity! verbosity

Set the global log verbosity to a verbosity. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

verbosity is expected to be one of the following symbols:


The message will be printed even if the logging is disabled


Rare and noteworthy events


High level protocol information


Lower level protocol infomations, packet level


Function path

Scheme Procedure: get-log-verbosity

Get global log verbosity value.

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3.10 Version

The (ssh version) module provides functions that is used for getting information about current versions.

Scheme Procedure: get-libssh-version

Get version of the libssh. Returns libssh version as a string in the follwing format:

<version> ::= <major> "." <minor> "." <micro>

For example, ‘0.5.2’.

Scheme Procedure: %get-libssh-version

Low-level procedure that returns a version string in libssh format, eg. "0.6.3/openssl/zlib".

Scheme Procedure: get-crypto-library

Get cryptographic library name with which libssh was compiled. Possible values are: 'openssl, 'gnutls.

Scheme Procedure: zlib-support?

Return #t if libssh was compiled wit zlib support, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: get-library-version

Get version of the Guile-SSH.

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3.11 Servers

The (ssh server) module provides facilities for creation and managing of Guile-SSH servers.

Scheme Procedure: server? x

Return #t if x is a Guile-SSH server, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: %make-server

Make a new Guile-SSH server.

Scheme Procedure: make-server [keywords]

Make a new Guile-SSH server with the specified configuration specified by keywords. Return a new Guile-SSH server.


(let ((s (make-server #:bindport      12345
                      #:rsakey        "/home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa"
                      #:log-verbosity 'nolog)))
Scheme Procedure: server-set! server option value

Set a option to value for Guile-SSH server. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Here is the description of available options. The description is based on libssh documentation:


Set the bind address for the server.

Expected type of value: string.


Set the bind port for the server, default is 22.

Expected type of value: number.


Set the server public key type: “ssh-rsa” or “ssh-dss”.

libssh 0.7 note: you should pass a path to an ssh key for this option. Only one key from per key type (RSA, DSA, ECDSA) is allowed in an server at a time, and later calls to server-set! with this option for the same key type will override prior calls.

Expected type of value: string.


Set the path to the SSH host DSA key.

Expected type of value: string.


Set the path to the SSH host RSA key.

Expected type of value: string.


Set the server banner sent to clients.

Expected type of value: string.


Set the logging verbosity. Possible values:


No logging at all


Only rare and noteworthy events


High level protocol information


Lower level protocol infomations, packet level


Every function path

Expected type of value: symbol.


Set the server to blocking/nonblocking mode according to value. The value is expected to be #t or #f.

Expected type of value: boolean.

Scheme Procedure: server-get server option

Get value of option for Guile-SSH server. Return option value, or #f if the option does not set. Throw guile-ssh-error on error.

Scheme Procedure: server-listen server

Start listening to the socket. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value undefined.

Scheme Procedure: server-accept server

Accept an incoming SSH connection to the server. Return a new Guile-SSH session. Throw guile-ssh-error on error.


(let ((session (catch 'guile-ssh-error
                 (lambda ()
                   (server-accept server))
                 (lambda (key . args)
                   ;; Handle error

One of the possible causes of errors might be that your server has no access to host keys.

If you get an exception and it shows no cause of the error then try to set log-verbosity to a value other than nolog (e.g. to rare, see server-set! above) and check printouts from the libssh.

Scheme Procedure: server-handle-key-exchange session

Handle key exchange for a session and setup encryption. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: server-message-get session

Get a message from a SSH client (see section Messages). Return a new Guile-SSH message, or #f on error.

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3.12 Messages

The (ssh message) module provides procedures for handling of Guile-SSH messages.

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3.12.1 Messages Handling

A message is an object that represents a single request to a Guile-SSH server. Basically the server handles requests in some loop in which it accepts messages with server-message-get procedure (see section Servers), handles the received request and replies to the message.

Scheme Procedure: message? x

Return #t if x a Guile-SSH message, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: message-reply-default message

Reply with SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: message-reply-success message [args]

Reply “success” to the message. This procedure is a convenient wrapper for other *-reply-success procedures (see below). The right procedure to use will be selected depending on a type of the message. The procedure may take additional argument 'partial for that changes reply to authentication request, and a bound-port for a global request.

Throw an exception on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: message-service-reply-success message

Reply with “success” status on the service-request message. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: message-auth-reply-success message partial?

Reply with “success” on the auth-request message. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: message-channel-request-reply-success message

Reply “success” on a channel-request message. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: message-global-request-reply-success message bound-port

Reply “success” on a global request message. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: message-auth-reply-public-key-ok message

Reply “OK” on the public key auth-request message. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: message-channel-request-open-reply-accept message

Accept open-channel request. Return a new Guile-SSH channel, or #f on error.

Scheme Procedure: message-get-type message

Get type of the message in the following format:

<msg-type> = "'(" <type> [<WSP> <subtype>] ")"

The procedure returns #f on error.


(message-get-type msg)
⇒ '(request-auth auth-method-none)

Possible types:









Scheme Procedure: message-get-req message

Get a request object from the message. Returns a new request object (see section Parsing of Requests). Throw guile-ssh-error on error.

Scheme Procedure: message-auth-set-methods! message methods-list

Set authentication methods to methods-list. Possible methods are: password, public-key, interactive, host-based. Throw guile-ssh-error on error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: message-get-session message

Get the session from which the message was received. Return the session.

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3.12.2 Parsing of Requests

Scheme Procedure: service-req:service request

Get service name from a service request.

Scheme Procedure: channel-open-req:orig request
Scheme Procedure: channel-open-req:orig-port request
Scheme Procedure: channel-open-req:dest request
Scheme Procedure: channel-open-req:dest-port request

Get originator, originator-port, destination and destination-port from the channel-open request.

Scheme Procedure: auth-req:user request
Scheme Procedure: auth-req:password request
Scheme Procedure: auth-req:pubkey request
Scheme Procedure: auth-req:pubkey-state request

Get user, password, public key and public key state from the auth request.

Scheme Procedure: pty-req:term request
Scheme Procedure: pty-req:width request
Scheme Procedure: pty-req:height request
Scheme Procedure: pty-req:pxwidth request
Scheme Procedure: pty-req:pxheight request

Get terminal, terminal width, terminal height, terminal pxwidth and terminal pxheight from the PTY request.

Scheme Procedure: env-req:name request
Scheme Procedure: env-req:value request

Get environment variable name and its value from the environment request.

Scheme Procedure: exec-req:cmd request

Get a command from the exec request.

Scheme Procedure: global-req:addr request
Scheme Procedure: global-req:port request

Get address and port from the global request.

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3.13 SFTP

The (ssh sftp) module provides procedures for working with SFTP.

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3.13.1 SFTP session

Scheme Procedure: make-sftp-session ssh-session

Make a new SFTP session using a ssh-session, initialize the session with a server. Return initialized SFTP session or throw guile-ssh-error exception on an error.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-session? x

Return #t if x is a SFTP session, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-get-session sftp-session

Get the parent SSH session for a sftp-session.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-get-error sftp-session

Get the last SFTP error from a sftp-session. Return the error name as a symbol, or throw guile-ssh-error on if an error occurred in the procedure itself.

The procedure returns one of the following values:


No error.


End-of-file encountered.


File doesn’t exist.


Permission denied.


Generic failure.


Garbage received from the server.


No connection has been set up.


There was a connection, but we lost it.


Operation not supported by the server.


Invalid file handle.


No such file or directory path exists.


An attempt to create an already existing file or directory has been made.


We are trying to write on a write-protected filesystem.


No media in remote drive.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-mkdir sftp-session dirname [mode=#o777]

Create a directory dirname using a sftp-session with a mode. If the mode is omitted, the current umask value is used.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-rmdir sftp-session dirname

Remove a directory dirname. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-mv sftp-session source dest

Move or rename a file source into a dest. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-symlink sftp-session target dest

Create a symbolic link to a target in a dest. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-readlink sftp-session path

Read the value of a symbolic link pointed by a path. Return the value or #f on an error.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-chmod sftp-session filename mode

Change permissions of a remote filename using sftp-session. Permissions are set to mode & ~umask. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return value is undefined.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-unlink sftp-session filename

Unlink (delete) a remote filename using sftp-session. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error. Return value is undefined.

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Scheme Procedure: %make-sftp-session ssh-session

Make a new SFTP session using a ssh-session without initialization of the session with a server. Throw guile-ssh-error exception on an error.

Note that you should call %sftp-init on the returned SFTP session before using it.

Scheme Procedure: %sftp-init sftp-session

Initialize a sftp-session with the server. Throw guile-ssh-error exception on an error, return value is undefined.

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3.13.2 SFTP file

Remote files are represented as regular Guile ports that allow random access (see (guile)Input and Output section ‘Input and Output’ in The GNU Guile Reference Manual.)

Scheme Procedure: sftp-open sftp-session filename flags [mode=#o666]

Open a remote filename using an sftp-session, return an open file port. Throw guile-ssh-error on an error.

Scheme Procedure: sftp-file? x

Return #t if x is an SFTP file port, #f otherwise.

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3.13.3 High-level operations on remote files

Scheme Procedure: call-with-remote-input-file sftp-session filename proc

Call a proc with a remote file port opened for input using an sftp-session. proc should be a procedure of one argument, filename should be a string naming a file. The behaviour is unspecified if a file already exists.

The procedure calls proc with one argument: the port obtained by opening the named remote file for input.

If the procedure returns, then the port is closed automatically and the values yielded by the procedure are returned. If the procedure does not return, then the port will not be closed automatically unless it is possible to prove that the port will never again be used for a read or write operation.

Scheme Procedure: call-with-remote-output-file sftp-session filename proc

Call a proc with a remote file port opened for output using an sftp-session. proc should be a procedure of one argument, filename should be a string naming a file. The behaviour is unspecified if a file already exists.

The procedure calls proc with one argument: the port obtained by opening the named remote file for output.

If the procedure returns, then the port is closed automatically and the values yielded by the procedure are returned. If the procedure does not return, then the port will not be closed automatically unless it is possible to prove that the port will never again be used for a read or write operation.

Scheme Procedure: with-input-from-remote-file sftp-session filename thunk

thunk must be a procedure of no arguments, and filename must be a string naming a file. The file must already exist. The file is opened for input, an input port connected to it is made the default value returned by current-input-port, and the thunk is called with no arguments. When the thunk returns, the port is closed and the previous default is restored. Returns the values yielded by thunk. If an escape procedure is used to escape from the continuation of these procedures, their behavior is implementation dependent.


(define (rcat user host filename)
  "Print contents of a remote file on a HOST pointed by a FILENAME to
  (let ((session (make-session #:user user #:host host)))

    ;; Connect to an SSH server.
    (connect! session)

    (authenticate-server session)

    ;; Authenticate with an SSH server using a SSH agent.
    (userauth-agent! session)

    (let ((sftp-session (make-sftp-session session)))

      ;; Read read a file line-by-line and print it to stdout.
      (with-input-from-remote-file sftp-session filename
        (lambda ()
          (do ((line (read-line) (read-line)))
              ((eof-object? line))
            (write-line line)))))))
Scheme Procedure: with-output-to-remote-file sftp-session filename thunk

thunk must be a procedure of no arguments, and filename must be a string naming a file. The effect is unspecified if the file already exists. The file is opened for output, an output port connected to it is made the default value returned by current-output-port, and the thunk is called with no arguments. When the thunk returns, the port is closed and the previous default is restored. Returns the values yielded by thunk. If an escape procedure is used to escape from the continuation of these procedures, their behavior is implementation dependent.

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3.14 Distributed Forms

The (ssh dist) module provides the spirit of distributed computing for Guile.

To make use of the procedures listed in this section you will need an SSH daemon and a GNU Guile REPL server both running on the remote host.

Also note that currently there may be cases in which distributed procedures may fail to (de)serialise data; namely make-vector is one of such procedures which output may be troublesome for with-ssh. To overcome this specific case one could pass the fill argument to make-vector to fill the newly created vector with the specified filling instead of #<unspecified>.

Node management procedures:

Scheme Procedure: make-node session [repl-port=37146] [#:start-repl-server?=#t] [#:stop-repl-server?=#f]

Make a new node that uses an SSH session to connect to a repl-port number on the remote side. Return a new node.

If start-repl-server? is set to #t (which is by default) then start a REPL server on a remote host automatically in case when it is not started yet.

If stop-repl-server? is set to #t then a REPL server will be stopped as soon as an evaluation is done. Alternatively you could use node-stop-server procedure from (ssh dist node) to stop the server when it is not needed anymore.

Note that when either start-repl-server? or stop-repl-server? are specified, Guile-SSH tries to use pgrep/pkill from procps package first to start/stop a remote Guile process, but if the package is missing then the Guile-SSH falls back to its own implementation of the commands (for more details see see section Guile-SSH shell API)

Scheme Procedure: node? x

Return #t if x is a node object, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: node-session node

Get underlying SSH session from node.

Scheme Procedure: node-repl-port node

Get REPL port number from a node.

Scheme Procedure: node-loadavg node

Get average load of a node. Return multiple values. The 1st value is an alist of five elements as described in proc(5) man page. The rest of values are as described in documentation for node-eval procedure.

For example:

(use-modules (ssh auth)
             (ssh session)
             (ssh dist node))

(let ((s (make-session #:host "example.org")))
  (connect! s)
  (userauth-agent! s)
  (let ((n (make-node s)))
    (node-loadavg n)))
⇒ ((one . 0.15) (five . 0.14) (fifteen . 0.16) (scheduling-entities 1 189) (last-pid . 15629))
⇒ 1
⇒ "(guile-user)"
⇒ "scheme"

Interaction with remote REPLs:

Scheme Procedure: distribute nodes expr ...

Evaluate each expr in parallel, using distributed computation. Split the job to nearly equal parts and hand out each of resulting sub-jobs to nodes list. Return the results of N expressions as a set of N multiple values (see (guile)Multiple Values section ‘Multiple Values’ in The GNU Guile Reference Manual).

Scheme Procedure: dist-map nodes proc lst

Do list mapping using distributed computation. Split the work into nearly equal parts and hand out the resulting jobs to nodes list. Return the result of computation.

If for some reason a job could not be executed on a node (for example, if connection to a remote REPL fails), dist-map transfers the job to another node from the nodes list. When job execution failed on all nodes, an error is reported.

In a case when an error that occurred during job execution is considered non-recoverable (eg. when evaluation of proc on a node failed due to an unbound variable) then execution of a job stops immediately.

Scheme Procedure: with-ssh node exp ...

Evaluate expressions on a remote REPL using a node, return four values: an evaluation result, a number of the evaluation, a module name and a language name. Throw node-error or node-repl-error on an error.


(use-modules (ssh session)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh dist))

(let ((session (make-session #:user "alice" #:host "www.example.org")))
  (connect! session)
  (userauth-agent! session)
  (display (with-ssh (make-node session)

If an expression is evaluated to multiple values then the 1st value returned by with-ssh will be a vector of the evaluated values and the 2nd value will be a vector of evaluation numbers. In this case the 2nd value can be used to check whether with-ssh body evaluated to multiple values or not. For example:

(use-modules (ssh session)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh dist))

(let ((session (make-session #:user "alice" #:host "www.example.org")))
  (connect! session)
  (userauth-agent! session)
  (with-ssh (make-node session)
    (values 1 2)))
=> #(1 2)
=> #(39 40)
=> "(guile-user)"
=> "scheme"
Scheme Procedure: rrepl node

Start an interactive remote REPL (RREPL) session using node.

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3.14.1 Low-level API

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The module (ssh dist node) provides low-level API for node management. Here’s the description of the format of node type printed representation:

#<node avp@ a0dbdc0>
       A   A         A  A     A
       |   |         |  |     |
   ,---'   |       ,-'  '---. '-----------.
   |       |       |        |             |
 user     host   port   REPL port    object address

There are two types of node errors: recoverable and non-recoverable. The first group is represented by node-error exceptions. If an exception of this kind is occurred then there is a chance that a job can be executed on another node. That’s because such an exception occures in cases when a node is unreachable, for example. The second group is represented by node-repl-error exceptions. Such exceptions mean that an error is occurred during execution of a job on a node’s REPL – eg. due to the malformed job. Those errors are non-recoverable because if the job is broken it will likely fail on another nodes as well.

In addition to make-node, node?, node-session and node-repl-port the module provides:

Scheme Procedure: node-eval node quoted-exp

Evaluate a quoted-exp on a node and return four values: an evaluation result, a number of the evaluation, a module name and a language name. Throw node-repl-error if a non-recoverable error occurred, or node-error if the evaluation potentially could be succesfully evaluated on another node.

Note that procps version 3.3.12 or later is needed on the server side in case of either start-repl-server? or stop-repl-server? was set to #t for a NODE (see the documentation for make-node.)

Scheme Procedure: node-open-rrepl node

Open a remote REPL (RREPL). Return a new RREPL channel.

Scheme Procedure: node-run-server node

Run a REPL server on a node. Throw node-error with the current node and the Guile return code from a server on an error.

Scheme Procedure: node-stop-server node

Stop a RREPL server on a node.

Scheme Procedure: node-guile-version node

Get Guile version installed on a node, return the version string. Return #f if Guile is not installed.

Scheme Procedure: node-server-running? node

Check if a REPL server is running on a node, return #t if it is running and listens on an expected port, return #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: rrepl-eval rrepl-channel expr

Evaluate expression expr using rrepl-channel, return four values: an evaluation result, a number of the evaluation, a module name and a language name. Throw node-repl-error on an error.

Scheme Procedure: rrepl-skip-to-prompt rrepl-channel

Read from rrepl-channel until REPL is observed. Throw node-error on an error.

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The module (ssh dist job) provides low-level API for job management.

Here’s the description of the format of node type printed representation:

#<job map #<node avp@ a0dbdc0> a1345a0>
      A   A                                      A
      |   |                                      |
      |   '----------.                           |
      |              |                           |
   job type   node (see above)           job object address
Scheme Procedure: split lst count

Split a list lst into count chunks. Return a list of chunks.


(split '(a b c d) 2)
⇒ '((a b) (c d))
Scheme Procedure: make-job type node data proc

Make a new job of type using node.

Scheme Procedure: job? x

Return #t if x is a job object, #f otherwise.

Scheme Procedure: job-type job

Get type of a job.

Scheme Procedure: job-node job

Get a job node.

Scheme Procedure: set-job-node job node

Transfer job to a new node. Return a new job object.

Scheme Procedure: job-data job

Get a job data.

Scheme Procedure: job-proc job

Get a job procedure.

Scheme Procedure: assign-eval nodes expressions

Split an expressions list to nearly equal parts according to the length of a nodes list and assign each evaluation job to a node. Return a list of assigned jobs.

Scheme Procedure: assign-map nodes lst proc

Split the work to nearly equal parts according to length of nodes list and assign each part of work to a node. Return list of assigned jobs.

Scheme Procedure: hand-out-job job

Hand out job to the assigned node and return the result of computation.

Scheme Procedure: job->sexp job

Convert a job to an equivalent symbolic expression.

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4. Examples

There are working examples that come with Guile-SSH. These examples are normally installed in ‘$prefix/share/guile-ssh/examples’ directory:


Guile-SSH client and server example.


Echo client and server example.

In addition, the following sections will provide an overview of programming with Guile-SSH.

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4.1 Client

In this example we will connect to a server, open a channel and execute a command. Then we will read output from the command and close connection to the server.

(use-modules (ssh channel)
             (ssh session)
             (ssh auth)
             (ssh key))

(let ((session (make-session #:user          "bob"
                             #:host          "example.com"
                             #:port          22
                             #:log-verbosity 'nolog))) ; Be quiet
  ;; Connect to the server
  (connect! session)

  ;; Perform server authentication
  (case (authenticate-server session)
    ...) ; Check the result

  ;; Try to authenticate on the server with one of the `userauth-*'
  ;; procedures.  Let's use `userauth-agent!'.
  (case (userauth-agent! session)
    ...) ; Check the result

  ;; Suppose the authentication went successfully.
  ;; Now we need to open a channel.
  (let ((channel (make-channel session)))

    (if (not channel)
        ...) ; Handle an error

    ;; Open a session so we will be able to execute a command
    ;; on the server
    (catch 'guile-ssh-error
      (lambda () (channel-open-session channel))
      (lambda (key . args)
        ...)) ; Handle an error

    ;; Execute a command
    (channel-request-exec channel "uname")

    ;; Check the exit status of the command
    (or (zero? (channel-get-exit-status channel))
        ...) ; Handle error

    ;; Poll the channel for data
    (let poll ((ready? #f))
      (if ready?
          ...) ; Read the output from the command
        (poll (char-ready? channel))))

    ;; Close the channel
    (close channel)

    ;; Disconnect from the server
    (disconnect! session)))

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4.2 Server

In this example we will create a new server and start the server loop.

(use-modules (ssh server)
             (ssh message)
             (ssh session)
             (ssh channel)
             (ssh key)
             (ssh auth))

(let ((server (make-server #:bindport      22
                           #:rsakey        "/home/alice/.ssh/host_rsa_key"
                           #:dsakey        "/home/alice/.ssh/host_dsa_key"
                           #:log-verbosity 'nolog))) ; Be quiet

  ;; Start listen to incoming connections.
  (server-listen server)

  ;; Start the main loop of the server
  (while #t

    ;; Accept new connections from clients.  Every connection is
    ;; handled in its own SSH session.
    (let ((session (catch 'guile-ssh-error
                     (lambda () (server-accept server))
                     (lambda (key . args)
                       ;; Handle an error

      (if (not session)
          (sleep 1)

      ;; Handle server authentication request from a client
      (server-handle-key-exchange session)

      ;; Start the session loop.  Handle incoming messages from
      ;; the client
      (let session-loop ((msg (server-message-get session)))

        (if (not msg)
          ...) ; Handle an error

        ;; Get type of the received message
        (let ((msg-type (message-get-type msg)))

          ;; Handle the message according to the type.  Type is a list of
          ;; symbols where the car is the type and cadr is subtype.
          (case (car msg-type)

              ...) ; Handle service request

              ...) ; Handle authentication request

              ...) ; Handle request

              ...))) ; Handle request

        (if (connected? session)
            (session-loop (server-message-get session))))

      (disconnect! session))))

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5. Acknowledgments

The libssh that is used by Guile-SSH is initially written by Aris Adamantiadis and being developed by the developer community. See ‘AUTHORS’ file that comes along with libssh distribution for full authors list.

Also I’d like to thank all the people who contributed their precious time and skills to send bug reports and patches for Guile-SSH. Please see ‘THANKS’ file in the Guile-SSH repository for the full list of contributors.

Thank you.

- Artyom “avp” Poptsov

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A. GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.3, 3 November 2008

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    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

    Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

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    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/.

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.


    “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site” (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

    “CC-BY-SA” means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization.

    “Incorporate” means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document.

    An MMC is “eligible for relicensing” if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.

    The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

  Copyright (C)  year  your name.
  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
  or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
  with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
  Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
  Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with…Texts.” line with this:

    with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with
    the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
    being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.

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Type Index

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Index Entry Section

channel3.5.1 Channel Management

fingerprint3.4 Keys
fingerprint3.4 Keys

job3.14.1.2 Jobs

key3.4 Keys

message3.12 Messages

node3.14.1.1 Nodes

request3.12.2 Parsing of Requests

server3.11 Servers
session3.1.1 Session Management

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Procedure Index

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Index Entry Section

%default-libssh-log-printer3.9 Logging
%default-log-printer3.9 Logging
%get-libssh-version3.10 Version
%make-server3.11 Servers
%make-session3.1.1 Session Management
%make-sftp-session3.13.1.1 Low-Level API
%sftp-init3.13.1.1 Low-Level API

assign-eval3.14.1.2 Jobs
assign-map3.14.1.2 Jobs
auth-req:password3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
auth-req:pubkey3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
auth-req:pubkey-state3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
auth-req:user3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
authenticate-server3.1.1 Session Management

blocking-flush!3.1.1 Session Management
bytevector->hex-string3.4 Keys

call-with-remote-input-file3.13.3 High-level operations on remote files
call-with-remote-output-file3.13.3 High-level operations on remote files
call-with-ssh-forward3.6 Tunnels
channel-accept-forward3.5.2 Port Forwarding
channel-cancel-forward3.5.2 Port Forwarding
channel-eof?3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-get-exit-status3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-get-session3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-get-stream3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-listen-forward3.5.2 Port Forwarding
channel-open-forward3.5.2 Port Forwarding
channel-open-req:dest3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
channel-open-req:dest-port3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
channel-open-req:orig3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
channel-open-req:orig-port3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
channel-open-session3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-open?3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-request-env3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-request-exec3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-request-pty3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-request-send-exit-status3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-request-shell3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-send-eof3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-set-pty-size!3.5.1 Channel Management
channel-set-stream!3.5.1 Channel Management
channel?3.5.1 Channel Management
command-available?3.8 Shell
connect!3.1.1 Session Management
connect-status-callback3.1.2 Callbacks
connected?3.1.1 Session Management
current-logging-callback3.9 Logging

disconnect!3.1.1 Session Management
dist-map3.14 Distributed Forms
distribute3.14 Distributed Forms

env-req:name3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
env-req:value3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
exec-req:cmd3.12.2 Parsing of Requests

format-log3.9 Logging

get-crypto-library3.10 Version
get-error3.1.1 Session Management
get-key-type3.4 Keys
get-library-version3.10 Version
get-libssh-version3.10 Version
get-log-userdata3.9 Logging
get-log-verbosity3.9 Logging
get-protocol-version3.1.1 Session Management
get-public-key-hash3.4 Keys
get-server-public-key3.1.1 Session Management
global-req:addr3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
global-req:port3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
global-request-callback3.1.2 Callbacks

hand-out-job3.14.1.2 Jobs

job->sexp3.14.1.2 Jobs
job-data3.14.1.2 Jobs
job-node3.14.1.2 Jobs
job-proc3.14.1.2 Jobs
job-type3.14.1.2 Jobs
job? Jobs

key?3.4 Keys

loadavg3.8 Shell

make-channel3.5.1 Channel Management
make-job3.14.1.2 Jobs
make-keypair3.4 Keys
make-node3.14 Distributed Forms
make-server3.11 Servers
make-session3.1.1 Session Management
make-sftp-session3.13.1 SFTP session
make-tunnel3.6 Tunnels
message-auth-reply-public-key-ok3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-auth-reply-success3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-auth-set-methods!3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-channel-request-open-reply-accept3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-channel-request-reply-success3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-get-req3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-get-session3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-get-type3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-global-request-reply-success3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-reply-default3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-reply-success3.12.1 Messages Handling
message-service-reply-success3.12.1 Messages Handling
message?3.12.1 Messages Handling

node-eval3.14.1.1 Nodes
node-guile-version3.14.1.1 Nodes
node-loadavg3.14 Distributed Forms
node-open-rrepl3.14.1.1 Nodes
node-repl-port3.14 Distributed Forms
node-run-server3.14.1.1 Nodes
node-server-running? Nodes
node-session3.14 Distributed Forms
node-stop-server3.14.1.1 Nodes
node?3.14 Distributed Forms

open-remote-input-pipe3.7 Remote Pipes
open-remote-input-pipe*3.7 Remote Pipes
open-remote-output-pipe3.7 Remote Pipes
open-remote-output-pipe*3.7 Remote Pipes
open-remote-pipe3.7 Remote Pipes
open-remote-pipe*3.7 Remote Pipes

pgrep3.8 Shell
pkill3.8 Shell
private-key->public-key3.4 Keys
private-key-from-file3.4 Keys
private-key-to-file3.4 Keys
private-key?3.4 Keys
pty-req:height3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
pty-req:pxheight3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
pty-req:pxwidth3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
pty-req:term3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
pty-req:width3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
public-key->string3.4 Keys
public-key-from-file3.4 Keys
public-key?3.4 Keys

rexec3.8 Shell
rrepl3.14 Distributed Forms
rrepl-eval3.14.1.1 Nodes
rrepl-skip-to-prompt3.14.1.1 Nodes

server-accept3.11 Servers
server-get3.11 Servers
server-handle-key-exchange3.11 Servers
server-listen3.11 Servers
server-message-get3.11 Servers
server-set!3.11 Servers
server?3.11 Servers
service-req:service3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
session-get3.1.1 Session Management
session-parse-config!3.1.1 Session Management
session-set!3.1.1 Session Management
session?3.1.1 Session Management
set-job-node3.14.1.2 Jobs
set-log-userdata!3.9 Logging
set-log-verbosity!3.9 Logging
set-logging-callback!3.9 Logging
sftp-chmod3.13.1 SFTP session
sftp-file?3.13.2 SFTP file
sftp-get-error3.13.1 SFTP session
sftp-get-session3.13.1 SFTP session
sftp-mkdir3.13.1 SFTP session
sftp-mv3.13.1 SFTP session
sftp-open3.13.2 SFTP file
sftp-readlink3.13.1 SFTP session
sftp-rmdir3.13.1 SFTP session
sftp-session?3.13.1 SFTP session
sftp-symlink3.13.1 SFTP session
sftp-unlink3.13.1 SFTP session
split3.14.1.2 Jobs
ssh-agent-info3.3.2 Getting information about SSH agents
ssh-agent-sock-get3.3.3 Managing SSH agent environment variables
ssh-agent-sock-set!3.3.3 Managing SSH agent environment variables
ssh-agent-start3.3.1 Starting/stopping SSH agents
ssh-agent-stop3.3.1 Starting/stopping SSH agents
start-forward3.6 Tunnels
string->public-key3.4 Keys

tunnel-bind-address3.6 Tunnels
tunnel-host3.6 Tunnels
tunnel-host-port3.6 Tunnels
tunnel-port3.6 Tunnels
tunnel-reverse?3.6 Tunnels
tunnel-session3.6 Tunnels
tunnel?3.6 Tunnels

userauth-agent!3.2 Auth
userauth-get-list3.2 Auth
userauth-gssapi!3.2 Auth
userauth-none!3.2 Auth
userauth-password!3.2 Auth
userauth-public-key!3.2 Auth
userauth-public-key/auto!3.2 Auth
userauth-public-key/try3.2 Auth

which3.8 Shell
with-input-from-remote-file3.13.3 High-level operations on remote files
with-output-to-remote-file3.13.3 High-level operations on remote files
with-ssh3.14 Distributed Forms
write-known-host!3.1.1 Session Management

zlib-support?3.10 Version

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Concept Index

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Index Entry Section

agent3.3 Agent
authentication3.2 Auth
authentication with a SSH agent3.2 Auth

command execution3.5.1 Channel Management

data transferring3.5.1 Channel Management

file transfer3.13 SFTP
fingerprint3.4 Keys
fingerprint3.4 Keys

handling of requests3.12.2 Parsing of Requests
handling session errors3.1.1 Session Management

logging3.9 Logging

non-interactive SSH session3.5.1 Channel Management

Port forwarding3.5.2 Port Forwarding
private keys3.4 Keys
public keys3.4 Keys

remote pipes3.7 Remote Pipes

secure distributed computing3.14 Distributed Forms
secure shell3.8 Shell
servers3.11 Servers
sessions3.1.1 Session Management
setting of environment variables3.5.1 Channel Management

talking to a SSH client3.12 Messages
Tunnels3.6 Tunnels

versions3.10 Version

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